Your choices matter. Learn simple steps you can take to help protect your loved ones from prescription opioid misuse.
It starts with one simple step.
Nearly half of people misusing pain relievers, including prescription opioids, get them from a friend or family member. Simple steps, like locking up medications, can prevent them from being misused.
It starts with one act of courage.
Opioids can be highly addictive. Talk with your friends about the importance of never sharing prescription pain relievers.
Take the next step

Get the facts
Opioids can be highly addictive because of how they affect your brain's reward center. Equip yourself with the facts about opioids and other pain management options so you can make healthy informed decisions and help educate those around you.

Safely dispose of medications
Medication drop boxes are located throughout Washington. You can dispose of most prescription and over-the-counter medicines at participating retail pharmacies, hospital and clinic pharmacies, and law enforcement offices.

Lock up medications
Locking up your medication is an easy and simple way to prevent prescriptions from getting into the wrong hands. Keep loved ones safe by storing medications in a locking bag or other locking device.

Talk to your kids
Young people in Washington say that their parents are one of the biggest influences on their decision to use or not use drugs. You can be the one to help keep your family safe. Talk with your kids about the risks of opioid use.